By Adam Hill, Executive Director and Magalie Yacinthe, Board Chair
August, 2021
Today, we are excited to share about some of the important work that Forsyth Futures has been a part of recently. Below, we have highlighted four key areas of focus for the upcoming year that will continue to move us forward as we study the community and inform action.
Community Voice
We’ve launched new community-engaged processes to gather local perspectives and voices to inform our work, from the design phase to project launch and dissemination. These pilot efforts have already helped our work be better aligned with community needs. This effort has the added benefit of centering our work more around principles of data equity by integrating community voice into our decision making processes.
Engaging Storytelling
We are doing more to build simple, engaging, visual storytelling around our data and informational content so that our work can be more accessible and useful to more people.
Dynamic Digital Content
We have pushed into new models of publishing data and informational content by launching interactive web-based microsites, dashboards, and data hubs. These are living assets for our community that will grow and improve over time to serve as valuable tools for community decision making.
Process Improvement
We are continuing to invest in training and technology to help improve our internal processes, which will allow us to do more rigorous analyses much faster than in the past.
As we look forward to the coming year, we are excited to build on this momentum and the lessons we’ve learned, both with our engagement around the Benefits Cliff, as well as other recent projects. We are doing all of this with the goal and purpose of helping with the questions you need answered the most to move your work forward and make better decisions to improve quality of life for everyone in Forsyth County.
At Forsyth Futures, we believe in studying our community and informing action and that when is utilized properly, it has the power to impact society and improve our lives. For this, we truly welcome and embrace the work that Forsyth Futures does, and trust that you do too.
We want to hear from you — if there is a question you need answered, please take a moment to share by email to [email protected].