Studying our community, informing action.
We believe an informed community is empowered to advocate for the local, evidence-based policies and solutions that can improve quality of life for all.
Our Latest Blog Posts
The Intersectionality of Black Life and Being: a Community-Based Research Pilot Project
The “Intersectionality of Black Life and Being” report was produced with a community-based research (CBR) framework that departs Forsyth Futures’ traditional research approach. This report, commissioned by the Black Philanthropy Initiative of the Winston-Salem Foundation, was a collaboration among Action4Equity, Forsyth Futures, and a dedicated group of research participants from the Black community in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. Unlike conventional research, this community-based approach actively involved Black people from the local community as co-leaders and decision-makers, ensuring mutual ownership over many aspects of the research process.
Disruptions and Remedies to the 2020 American Community Survey 1-Year: What to Know
From March through September, 2020, the Census Bureau’s typical data collection operations were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to the lowest household response rate in the survey’s history. As a consequence, some specific individual characteristics (such as marital status or educational attainment) produced “unexpected trends” and/or were considerably different from the same measurement published in other data sources. This post covers what happened, the Census Bureau’s response, and Forsyth Future’s guidance in how to navigate the 2020 ACS 1-year data moving forward.
Which groups lost employment income during the pandemic?
In our last series post we looked at how the COVID-19 pandemic had affected labor force participation and unemployment in Forsyth County and reported on recent changes in employment by industry. This post digs deeper into the question of ‘who’ by exploring which groups in our community have been most impacted by recent economic shifts and have experienced the worst of the pandemic’s effects. The data in this post looks at the US as a whole; it was produced using the US Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey.
Community Data
Community Data makes it easier to use data to inform the work that moves our community forward — program planning and evaluation, funding and resource allocation, grant writing, and more. Reliable local data, like the example measures provided below, empowers everyone in our community to better advocate for the policies and practices that can enhance our collective wellbeing.
Highlights from Our Recent Work

The Intersectionality of Black Life & Being
The Intersectionality of Black Life and Being is a report on perspectives and experiences of the Black community in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County (WS/FC), North Carolina, produced using a community-based research (CBR) framework. The content of this report was built into an interactive, web-based microsite. This microsite aims to bring together many varieties of content, including history, stories, community voices, data, and images, to weave a ‘tapestry’ that is thoughtful and intentional. It conveys the vibrancy of Black cultural abundance in WS/FC. This report was commissioned by the Black Philanthropy Initiative of the Winston-Salem Foundation and produced in collaboration with Action4Equity, Forsyth Futures, and a cohort of community participants.

The Trauma Resilient Community Institutional Assessment
The Center for Trauma Resilient Communities (CTRC) Resilience Framework examines the concept of trauma resiliency within the context of community. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, which considers the interpersonal and environmental factors that affect individual and community development, is the basis for understanding the Resilience Framework. This approach is also informed by John Ogbu’s cultural-ecological approach, which looks at the study of institutionalized patterns of behaviors and features of the environment. This report was produced by Forsyth Futures.

The 2020 Forsyth Promise Community Education Report
This interactive, web-based report is designed to share community information so that everyone can better understand the most critical issues affecting educational systems our educational systems in Forsyth County, from cradle to career. This report is produced annually by The Forsyth Promise, in partnership with Forsyth Futures.

Through a Gender Lens: The Economic Security of Women and Girls in Forsyth County in 2020
After seeing the importance of highlighting data that focused on the economic security of women and girls in Forsyth County, The Women’s Fund committed to producing a report of its nature every five years. While we chose a print format for our two previous reports, we decided to take a different approach with our third Through a Gender Lens report by presenting it as an interactive microsite with the goal to make the information more accessible and engaging. Produced by The Women’s Fund of the Winston-Salem Foundation in partnership with Forsyth Futures, 2020.

Pre-K Feasibility Study
The goal of the Pre-K Feasibility Study was to learn more about the perceptions, existing utilization, and interest in Pre-K/preschool services for families in Forsyth County, North Carolina. In addition to understanding existing programs and services, the study examines facility space and staffing capacity to determine what it would take to help improve and potentially expand Pre-K/preschool services. The Pre-K feasibility study was conducted by Forsyth Futures in partnership with Family Services, Inc. and funded by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, 2020.
View all Reports and Briefings

The Asset Building Coalition Data Exchange
The ABC Data Exchange (ABCDE) offers in-depth data and context on the issue of Asset Poverty in Forsyth County, North Carolina. This web-based info hub is designed to support asset-building advocacy activities by educating and raising awareness about asset building, its upstream factors, and its effects on both individuals and our community overall. It highlights key issues, challenges, and disparities among core measures to catalyze local conversations about innovative and equitable solutions. The ABCDE has come out of work funded by a grant from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, through a contracted partnership with The Asset Building Coalition of Forsyth County and Forsyth Futures.

Community Arts and Cultural Survey
The goals of the Community Arts Survey were to get community perspectives, attitudes, and feedback about reopening efforts for arts and cultural events and activities in Forsyth County. The survey was sent to approximately 57,000 people; the combined email lists of several arts organizations including a/perture, Bookmarks, NC Black Repertory Company, Piedmont Craftsmen, Reynolda House Museum of American Art, Spring Theatre, The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, Winston-Salem Delta Fine Arts (Delta Arts Center), Winston-Salem Symphony, and Winston-Salem Writers. The survey was open from March 11 to March 22 and there were a total of approximately 1,700 respondents. Produced by Forsyth Futures, 2021.

Community Briefing:
the Local Impact of COVID-19
As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, local economic conditions are evolving faster than can be measured using the data sources we typically rely on to inform community decision making. The purpose of this Briefing is to provide the most useful information possible about our rapidly-changing local economic conditions. The report includes a dashboard, a literature review featuring interviews with local experts, and analyses of an expanded range of community measures. Produced by Forsyth Futures, 2020.

2019 Benefits Cliff Briefing Microsite
The ‘benefits cliff’ occurs when a pay increase results in a net loss of income and benefits. Many public benefits instantly cut off at a given income threshold; beyond that threshold, benefits drop off instead of gradually phasing out. This microsite explains our local benefit cliffs, provides context for community stakeholders, and suggests potential pathways to action to mitigate negative and disruptive effects locally. Produced by Forsyth Futures, 2019.
Our Capabilities
Our staff of reserachers, analysts, and content-producers are ready to put data to work to help you ask the right questions, clarify your perspective, and take your work to the next level.
Data Collection and Analysis
Interactive Data Visualization
Geospatial Analysis
Program Design and Evaluation
Literature Review
Communication and Design
To learn more about what Forsyth Futures can do for your organization, contact [email protected].
We envision a vibrant, equitable, and prosperous Forsyth County, in which everyone has access to the information they need to make intelligent, informed decisions.