WS/FCS Student Assignment Community Survey

WS/FCS Student Assignment Community Survey

Community Partners Promotion Resource Page

The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools (WS/FCS) is administering a survey to gather information about perceptions and experiences of community stakeholders related to the WS/FCS student assignment policy, the process through which students are assigned to and enrolled in schools.

The survey is open now and will remain open until mid-December, 2020.

Strategy 1

Email your mailing list.

Both English and Spanish versions of email text are provided below. Click here for email images in English and Spanish.

Email Content in English

[Subject Line]: Response Needed: WS/FCS Student Assignment Policy

The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools (WS/FCS) is administering a survey to gather information about perceptions and experiences of community stakeholders related to the WS/FCS student assignment policy, the process through which students are assigned to and enrolled in schools.

This survey is not about COVID-19 related school reopenings. The information collected through this survey will be used to inform future WS/FCS decisions about student assignment policy.

Take the Survey Now:

  • You could win $50 for completing this survey. 
  • Please limit responses to one per household. 
  • You must be 18 years or older to take the survey. 
  • Participation and survey responses are strictly voluntary and confidential.
Email Content in Spanish

Las Escuelas de Winston-Salem/Condado de Forsyth (WS/FCS por sus siglas en inglés) están realizando una encuesta para conocer mejor las percepciones y experiencias de los interesados de la comunidad relacionadas con la política de asignación escolar de WS/FCS, el proceso mediante el cual  se asignan o se matriculan a los niños en escuelas específicas del distrito escolar.  

Esta encuesta no se trata de la reapertura de escuelas relacionadas con COVID-19. La información recogida a través de esta encuesta será utilizada para informar futuras decisiones del WS/FCS sobre la política de asignación escolar.

Complete la encuesta ahora en español:

  • Usted podría ganar $50 por completar esta encuesta (detalles abajo).
  • Por favor, limite las respuestas a una por hogar.
  • Los participantes de la encuesta deberían tener 18 años o más.
  • La participación y las respuestas a la encuesta son estrictamente voluntarias y confidenciales.

Strategy 2

Post about the survey on social media.

Both English and Spanish versions of a Facebook post are provided below. Feel free to use and modify this language as necessary for your audiences OR share Forsyth Futures’ Facebook post (pinned to the top of our feed). Click here for social media images in English and Spanish.

Facebook Post in English

The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools (WS/FCS) is administering a survey to gather information about perceptions and experiences of community stakeholders related to the WS/FCS student assignment policy, the process through which students are assigned to and enrolled in schools.

This survey is not about COVID-19 related school reopenings.  The information collected through this survey will be used to inform future WS/FCS decisions about student assignment policy.

Take the survey now:

Facebook Post in Spanish

Las Escuelas de Winston-Salem/Condado de Forsyth (WS/FCS por sus siglas en inglés) están realizando una encuesta para conocer mejor las percepciones y experiencias de los interesados de la comunidad relacionadas con la política de asignación escolar de WS/FCS, el proceso mediante el cual  se asignan o se matriculan a los niños en escuelas específicas del distrito escolar.  

Esta encuesta no se trata de la reapertura de escuelas relacionadas con COVID-19. La información recogida a través de esta encuesta será utilizada para informar futuras decisiones del WS/FCS sobre la política de asignación escolar.

Complete la encuesta ahora en español:

Strategy 3

Post or distribute flyers.

Click the link to download the bilingual survey flyer.

Strategy 4

Include a blurb in your newsletter.

Feel free to pull content from this page to include in your newsletter.

Strategy 5

Encourage your networks, colleagues, constituents, friends, and family to take the survey.

As an example, consider setting up a computer or tablet in your organization’s lobby to make it easy for visitors to make their voices heard. You could post flyers to make the purpose of the computer station clear or even have a volunteer staff the station to explain the survey. If you decided to do something like this, please email and let her know.

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